Geometry FIX Version 2 - back to how it was...

MisterX b.xavier at
Tue Apr 6 11:04:03 EDT 2004

Got to love backups!
Here's how to restore your controls to their previous size.
A backup is required... 

Now is the time to enter the bug in bugzilla...

on mouseup
  put the short name of this stack into cstack
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of controls in this stack
    set cursor to busy
    put x
    put the short name of control x into cname
    put the short id of control x into cid
    put the rect of control x into crect
    set the defaultstack to "discretebrowser 1.5"
    if there is a control id cid and \
    the short name of control id cid is cname
    then put the rect of control id cid into nrect
    set the defaultstack to cstack
    if crect is not nrect and nrect is not empty then
      set the rect of control x to nrect
    end if
    put empty into nrect
  end repeat
end mouseup

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