Sheet woes...

dom dominique at
Sun Sep 28 07:45:01 EDT 2003

Klaus Major <klaus at> wrote:

> Can't you just store the date and check with a
> on preopenstack
>    if my_date <> the date then
>     ###do preopenstuff...
>    end if
>    ...
> end preopenstack
> or something like that?

Sure, I have to rewrite this preopentack handler...

How to make it understand I didn't really leave the stack, but only
opened a substack???

IMHO, that's a curious behaving...

In fact, I tried to "memorize" the originating card, by push/pop, by cd
id... but no luck: it seems that the preopenstack handler takes a
precedence, or goes after to go to "today" card!

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