selectedChunk under Windows

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at
Wed Sep 24 10:42:01 EDT 2003

Is there something special about the 
selectedChunk under Windows? I have a stack where 
the user clicks on a word (or a sequence of 
words) in a locked field, and then on a button to 
have a given handler operate on the selection. 
The problem is that the selectedChunk seems to 
get lost immediately in the Windows build (tested 
under Windows 2000). For instance, I have a 
statement to trap for no selection being made:

if the selectedChunk is empty then
    answer "First click on a word to be messed around with."
    exit thisHandler
end if

This always evaluates to true, while the Mac OS X 
build behaves as expected. (And of course if I 
remove the statement, there is no result from the 
following statements that should work on the 

The button calls a handler in the stack script, 
and I have tried putting the selectedChunk into a 
global already in the button script and 
reselecting it in the stack script, in case 
Windows releases the selection between the button 
and the handler, but with the same results. 
Suggestions are very welcome.

Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo, PO Box 1030 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140

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