Comunication COM1: and a CNC milling machine (timeout?)

Dar Scott dsc at
Wed Sep 17 14:09:00 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 05:37 AM, dave at wrote:

> It could be that using "until end" simply returns an empty rs232 
> buffer regardless of
> data, whereas "until empty" transfers data out of the buffer until 
> it'

Some clarity and enhancements would be nice here.  I think for serial 
these are the same, but it might be great if not in general.  I'd like 
"empty" to mean "the buffer is empty" and "end" to mean "the channel is 
closed".  With that, "end" would not be meaningful or would be very 
rarely meaningful with serial; I wouldn't mind if it means the same as 
"empty" in that case.

I suspect what Malte is running against is that the mill had no time to 
respond.  A short delay might provide some or all of the response.

Dar Scott

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