path names to CD across platforms

Byron Turner byront at
Fri Sep 5 18:51:00 EDT 2003

Thanks, according to our programmer, the platform returns MacOS in both 
classic and OSX so this fails.  He says he has a solution which we'll 
test today.  If it indeed does work, I'll ask him to post his method.

Thanks for everyone's help.


On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 02:54  PM, Dan Friedman wrote:

> Byron,
> Try this...  (This assumes that you pass a movie path without the drive
> name/letter, and the CD (for the Mac) is named "myCDROM")...
>  put getMoviePath("datafiles/movies/") into mPath
>  function getMoviePath fileName
>    if the platform = "MacOS" then
>      if there is a file ("myCDROM/" & fileName) then
>        return ("myCDROM/" & fileName)
>      end if
>    else
>      if there is a file ("D:/" & fileName) then
>        return ("D:/" & fileName)
>      else if there is a file ("E:/" & fileName) then
>        --just incase they mapped the CD drive to "E"
>        return ("E:/" & fileName)
>      end if
>    end if
>    -- you might put some kind of warning or error
>    -- routine here.  Probably don't want to continue
>    -- if the movie was not found
>    return false
>  end getMoviePath
> There's probably a better way to do this, but it should work (I didn't 
> test
> it!).  Hope it helps,
> Dan
>> Message: 10
>> Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 12:36:35 -0700
>> Subject: path names to CD across platforms
>> From: Byron Turner <byront at>
>> To: use-revolution at
>> Reply-To: use-revolution at
>> Forgive me if this gets posted twice, the first was held up and this 
>> is
>> urgent.  How would I compensate for the differences in file path names
>> when deploying to OS 9, OS X and Windows?  For example a movie resides
>> on a CD . . how do we have one app that can be built for multiple
>> platforms that can find the file regardless?
>> Thanks,
>> Byron
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