CGI and find

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Sep 2 23:36:00 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 06:28 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

>> I looked a little more.  I was getting this on a value that would not 
>> be found.  For a value that would be found I got "not found" as the 
>> result.
> Hm. Backwards. Post a script?

I was mixed up.  Any non-empty query got a crash and 'find empty' with 
idiomatic meaning did not.

>> I'm currently at a variation where I can't get the engine to exit.
> Been there, done that. It worked if I didn't use a repeat loop though. 
> What happens if you do a single hard-coded find, like "find 'roger'"? 
> That works for me.

That will crash.

If I 'start using' and then 'find' in startup, I get no crash.

If I do that in a delayed handler, I get no crash.

If I 'start using' in startup and then 'find' in a delayed handler, I 
get a crash.

Here is a stripped-down example of one that does not crash:
on startup
   start using "findtest.rev"
   set the defaultStack to "findtest"
   find "roger"
end startup

It does bother me that this would crash if start and find are in 
different handlers.

Dar Scott

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