Image Library Import

John Tenny jtenny at
Tue Sep 2 00:40:26 EDT 2003

Monte -

Thanks for the help. I was successful in getting an image into the 
stack using the "Import as control" under the File menu.

then, to get it into the library, I selected the image on the card, 
opened the library to my stack. The only way I could get it into the 
library was to select a different library, then back to my stack 
library and Poof! it appeared. It also works if I click the Objects tab 
and then back on the Image tab - the image gets imported.

10.2.6 and Rev 2.1

The "import selected' didn't do anything, nor did the "Import file"

What does the "Import File..." button do?  When is it used?

I did get the Place Image to work fine.
"Unfortunately it's a two step process.

First import your image into a stack and select it then open the image
library and add the selected image. Don't ask me why runrev never
implemented a direct route into the image library."

thanks,   John

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