Play sound until done but I want to still interupt

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Fri Oct 24 20:40:33 EDT 2003

Hi Thomas,

> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 13:28:46 -0400
> From: Thomas J McGrath III <3mcgrath at>
> Subject: Play sound until done but I want to still interupt

> What I want to script is something like:
> repeat until the sound is done allowing interrupts
> - or -
> repeat until the sound is done unless mouseUp
> - or -
> I hope you get the point.
Read the dictionary under "play".

If it's just card navigation:

on closecard
  -- do other cleanup stuff?
  play "pause"
end closecard

on opencard
  play "resume"
  do other opencard stuff
end opencard

Ken N.

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