Quicktime movie

Ian Wood ian at azurevision.co.uk
Tue Oct 21 16:15:32 EDT 2003

Getting the movie into Rev is fairly easy, you add a QuickTime Player 
(bottom right in the tool bar), go to the inspector (properties in Rev 
1.1.1) and click on 'source' which will open up an open file dialog 
where you can choose the movie file.

Making the QT movie is a bit more complex.  Is this from video?  If you 
are on a Mac then iMovie has reasonably good export options.  What 
options you choose will depend on your final use- CD, web etc.  With 
some more info about your needs we can give you more feedback!

A good reference book is 'QuickTime for the web: for windows and 
macintosh" 3rd Ed by Steven Gulie.
Some sites:

Ian Wood
Panoramic photography, from web to billboard, sunrise to moonrise

On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 08:20  pm, talbrech at student.umass.edu 

> Hi all.
> I am quite new to Rev, and am looking for some help on playing a 
> Quicktime
> movie in Rev. How do I create the Quicktime file in the first place, 
> and then
> how do I get Rev to play it? Is there a good resource for getting 
> 'how-to'
> information like this?
> Thanks for the help.
> Tamee Albrecht
> Dept of Geosciences
> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> talbrech at student.umass.edu
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