[ANN] libLinedFields

Toma Tasovac ttasovac at princeton.edu
Wed Oct 1 03:59:01 EDT 2003

Monte, a very basic question:

what does it mean when you say "start using the library"?  I must say I 
haven't used your libraries yet so I am confused.

I used the ScriptLibraryInstaller.rev to create a userscript folder in 
componentes/save.  I then placed uLinedFields.rev in that folder, 
restarted Revolution.  I checked in Development -- Plugins 
--revScriptLibrary to make sure that the library loads on startup.  Yet 
when I try the following script:

set the uLinedField of fld "Field 1" to true

- nothing happens.

What am I missing?

All best,


Am Mittwoch, 01.10.03 um 07:20 Uhr schrieb Monte Goulding:

> Hi All
> I just spent 1/2 an hour working out how to get decent looking 
> alternate
> color lined fields in Rev. Then I spent another half an hour making a
> library out of it and uploading it to my rev site ;-)
> Take a look: www.sweattechnologies.com/rev
> Cheers
> Monte Goulding
> B.App.Sc. (Hons.)
> Executive Director
> Sweat Technologies
> email: monte at sweattechnologies.com
> website: www.sweattechnologies.com
> mobile (International): +61 421 138 274
>        (Australia): 0421 138 274
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