No images when copying htmltext from Rev field to email client

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Nov 25 01:39:09 EST 2003

--- RGould8 at wrote:
> My apologies if this email is coming through as not
> text-only - - - I'm 
> trying a new email client, and won't know the
> outcome until I see how it looks on 
> the listserve...
> My question:
> If I've got a web-page with images and text
> displayed within an html-enabled 
> field in my Revolution app, and I have a button that
> says:
> set the clipboardData["HTML"] to the htmltext of
> field "htmldisplay"
> and then the user does a PASTE from the clipboard to
> their email app (in this 
> case, the AOL email client), I'm finding that the
> text and text formatting 
> pastes ok, but the pictures don't come through (does
> leave space for the 
> pictures, however).  
> Can anyone tell me if this is a result of the AOL
> email client not receiving 
> the link to the pasted images properly, or is this a
> Revolution issue?  (or am 
> I misunderstanding what should happen when I copy
> html-text from a field to 
> the clipboard to an email client?)  I was under the
> impression that the image 
> src= tags would come through and just work when
> pasted into another app that 
> can understand such tags.

My guess is that the images are not referenced ? The
src attribute of the image tag in Revolution can be
used to refer to internal image controls, but outside
the Revolution world it needs some sort of path -- to
a server or to a local image.
You could always export the images to the temp
directory and adapt the src attribute to point to
those temp files ; that ought to clue the email client
in as to where to find the images.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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