Speeding up array initialization

jbv jbv.silences at Club-Internet.fr
Sat Nov 22 10:21:36 EST 2003

Hi there,

Let's say I have a variable S made of 100 lines of 100 items each,
and I want to initialize each item of each line to 0.

I can run the following script (which takes about 200 ticks on my
Mac G3/300) :

on mouseUp
  put "" into S
  repeat with j=1 to 100
    repeat with i=1 to 100
      put 0 into item i of line j of S
    end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp

If I want to speed up things, I can use the following script (which
takes less than 1 tick on the same Mac) :

on mouseUp
  put 0 into S
  repeat until number of items of S>=100
    put "," & S after S
  end repeat
  put item 1 to 100 of S into S
  repeat until number of lines of S>=100
    put return & S after S
  end repeat
  put line 1 to 100 of S into S
end mouseUp

Now, I want to use a two-dimensional array instead of a variable.
To initialize each cell of the array to 0, I can run this script :

on mouseUp
  put "" into S
  repeat with j=1 to 100
    repeat with i=1 to 100
      put 0 into S[j,i]
    end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp

This script takes about 115 ticks.

QUESTION : is there a way to speed up things to initialize this array ?


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