Stack size and Windows

Graham graham.samuel at
Wed May 21 10:01:01 EDT 2003

On Tue, 20 May 2003 14:02:00 -0700, Richard Gaskin 
<ambassador at> wrote:

>Use the windowBoundingRect instead of the screenRect to account for the
>Start bar on Win (and the Dock on OS X).

Richard, you're always right!! Before mailing I really tried to find this 
info in the docs but it is not easily found, even in the essay on windows. 
I went back after reading your message and indeed it's there but a bit 
buried. IMHO this should be covered in the essay under another heading than 
"Why doesn't my stack maximise or zoom to the full screen size?", since my 
question is more like "how can I make sure there is room for the toolbar 
and title bar on the screen where my stack is displayed?". Or a 
straightforward search function would probably have found it, but as far as 
I know there isn't one (go on, someone tell me there is and I've missed it 
- I seem to miss so much else).

Anyway thanks very much indeed - on we go.


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  

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