Multiline message box on a PC laptop?????

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Tue May 20 15:29:01 EDT 2003

At 10:33 AM -0700 5/20/03, Howard Bornstein wrote:
>There is an Fn key as I mentioned, but it does not have any effect when I
>use it with the Enter key (there is no return key) on either laptop. It's
>the same issue with typing two Enter-key strokes to "apply" and close the
>edit window.

Does control-Enter work for you in the script editor? (I can't check this
directly since I don't have a PC laptop here.) I want to check first
whether this works on your setup, since I know there's a handler for it in
the script editor.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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