Crashing stack in Mac OS9

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Tue May 20 01:09:18 EDT 2003

>The stack opens, does some checking (data-stacks 
>present?), starts to use 2 "library"-stacks, and then when filling 
>(well, trying to) some dozen fields on various cards of the substack 
>'memberdata': the crash.

Does this crash at the same place every time? I.e. while executing the 
same code line? Obviously, if so, this code deserves more scrutiny.

If it always crashes while going to a specific card, it sounds similar to 
a case I ran into a while ago. A card seemed to become corrupt. Rev would 
crash whenever that card was accessed. The strange thing was, I was 
developing under OS 9.2.1 but it'd only crash in the Windows standalone 
build. I went to the offending card, cloned it, deleted the original, and 
all was well again!! Go figure.

If it's a card that's the problem, I'd give this a try.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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