Grabbing groups

Jim Hurley jhurley at
Wed May 14 19:52:02 EDT 2003

>Message: 12
>Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 08:07:08 -0700
>To: use-revolution at
>From: Rob Cozens <rcozens at>
>Subject: Re: Grabbing groups
>Reply-To: use-revolution at
>>What I need is a script that will grab and move the group whenever
>>the mouse is down *within the figure* not just on one of the
>>perimeter lines. A little help please.

Rob Cozens wrote:

>Hi Jim,
>If the "non lens" portion of the figure is transparent, try making it opaque.
>If that doesn't work or doesn't fit your design, place a button or
>other control behind the figure with the handler:
>on mouseUp
>    send mouseUp to image "My Figure Name"
>end mouseUp
>or just set the icon of the button to the id of your figure.
>Hope that helps.

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the *multiple* solutions. Since it is a group (a 
collection of two graphics) that I am trying to move with the mouse, 
only  one of alternatives work for me. Apparently a group will not 
take as an icon the graphic displayed in the group.

But a button behind the group works splendidly, using a mouseMove to 
cause the button and the group follow the mouse.

Thanks again,


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