[OT] Flash wants standalones

Trevor DeVore trevor at mangomultimedia.com
Thu Mar 27 16:53:00 EST 2003

On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 02:40  PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Trevor,
> Can you give us any idea what it will cost...and how much they will 
> charge
> for doing the ecommerce bit? Just curious. I've thought for some time 
> it
> would be easy to set up a server which works with PayPal to do all the
> evaluation and purchase bit (I've already done this for ButtonGadget).
> Something like that would enable all rev standalones to be purchased 
> online.

As Ken mentioned they take the 20% cut.  From what I have been told the 
Central 'browser' will be free.

> Do you know if the new Flash Player will act like a regualar app? Can 
> you
> give it it's own filetypes and icons -- and double click a document 
> type and
> launch it with it's own application? Frankly, I'd be a bit surprised 
> if it
> can do all that.

I don't think they are making modifications to the actual player.  
Central will be an entirely different product.

> Also, do you really think it feasible to develop full applications in 
> Flash?
> I've done a little with ActionScript and it seems like a lot of work 
> for
> doing something other than animations..just wondering.
> Sorry to hear about the SSL need you have. I too hope MC or RR will 
> address
> after 2.0.

You can do some sophisticated things with ActionScript.  With Flash MX 
AS has become pretty powerful.  The problem is that the Flash IDE is in 
no way suited for creating applications.  There are still many things 
that Flash lacks such as file browsers, etc.   The available tools 
which provide this to Flash are Windows only and aren't part of the 
actual Flash authoring environment.  I am really looking forward to SSL 
as well because I don't enjoy designing my web apps in browsers.  I 
would much prefer to author them in Rev.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
trevor at mangomultimedia.com

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