updating databases

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 25 15:45:01 EDT 2003

--- rand valentine <jrvalent at wisc.edu> wrote:
>  Hi, everyone. I have been working at making a
> dictionary database, using
> runrev 2.0.1 and Valentina VXCMD, on Mac OS 9.2.2.
> Now since I am kind of a
> beginner with sql, I have been trying to play it
> safe as far as having
> cursors and that sort of stuff goes . So what I do
> is
> 1. build a simple "select all" query using the
> database query builder, which
> opens the Valentina database.
> 2. I then execute a revDataFromQuery command that
> loads a scrolling field
> with the whole data set.
> 3. Then I click on a line in the scrolling field to
> load that record's field
> values into individual revolution text fields (not
> designated as "database"
> fields in any way).
> 4. I have handlers that record the entry value of a
> given field, and the
> exit value -- if these are different, I then try to
> update the particular
> field in the particular record in the Valentina
> database, which is
> identified by a unique code. To do this, I use a
> revExecuteSQL command that
> contains an UPDATE sql command to update the
> appropriate record in the
> Valentina db.
> But that record never seems to get updated! Why not?
> Am I fundamentally
> wrong in my understanding about something? I have
> also tried using a
> revCommitDatabase instruction following the
> attempted update, but again,
> when i go to the database query builder and
> "refresh" the * query, the
> record i'm trying to change is unchanged. Any help
> would be great
> appreciated.
> rand valentine

Hi Rand,

Have you checked 'the result' after your call to
revExecuteSQL ? If there was something wrong in the
SQL statement, it should say so.
Plus, it might be more interesting for you to use
database-linked fields than rolling your own update
queries. Here's a good trick :
- make your SELECT query using the database query
builder (name it "ListQuery")
- make a new field (name it "List"), and use the
inspector palette to turn it into a table via the
'table' panel
- link the same field to the SELECT query via the
'database' panel, and pick 'Show all' in the column
option menu
- now make another query with the exact same SELECT
statement (name it "RecordQuery") ; make sure the
correct primary key is selected so we can use the
build-in 'update after editing' functionality
- make a few more fields for the database fields of
the individual record you'll be selecting in the
"List" table-field
- to avoid having to write update scripts yourself,
simply hit the checkbox "Update after editing"
- now set the script of the "List" field to :
  on selectionChanged
    put the hilitedLine of me into tRecordNumber
    revDBQueryGoToRecord "RecordQuery", tRecordNumber
  end selectionChanged
- and presto, you can select a line in the "List"
field, and the other fields are updated, and you can
even save the changes !
- one small snag, though : the "List" field isn't
automatically updated ; but that can be easily solved
by putting the following in your card script :
  on closeField
    put the hilitedLine of fld "List" into tOldLine
    revRefreshQuery "ListQuery"
    set the hilitedLine of fld "List" to tOldLine
  end closeField

In this way, with a minimum of coding, you can display
all the records in a table, pick a individual record
in the table, and edit it via separate fields.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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