Columnar Reports in HC - yes but I did it manually (mea culpa)

Filippo Galimberti fgalimbe1 at
Mon Jun 16 06:42:34 EDT 2003

>I think (now know) you are correct. Perhaps the years had provided me
>with a "senior moment"... I just took a few moments to bring up the old
>HC stack set I had been referring to and found that I had linked my
>stacks hierarchically (manually, of course) so that one card's fields
>(a series of columns with "header" info above) in the "parent" stack
>was populated (via HyperTalk) from the matching -set- of cards in the
>"child" stack. I had been doing my own "many-to-one" lookups and
>filling in the fields' contents. Once that was done, HC's Report
>Generator was called with a saved report format. It was, indeed, a
>columnar report but I made it columnar through manual means. I was
>doing Business Basic DB work at that time and was used to manual
>lookups. While what I was doing was slow in HC under 7.6.1 on an '030,
>it absolutely screams under 9.2.2 on an 867/G4.
>So I grovel at the feet of the RunRev mavens but still long for a real
>tabular report methodology in Rev. If anyone else has suggestions for
>me, I will gratefully accept them.
>Isn't there a sample stack set somewhere that shows how the report
>object is to be used? How about printing a card with parallel columns
>of multi-line fields whose data extends beyond what can be seen with a
>scroll of 0? I think Jeanne had some comments on this but, again, is
>there an example stack somewhere that I can dissect?

There is no needing to set up a separate report card for tabular of 
columnar printing in Hypercard 2. The report dialog permits an easy set up 
of tabular or columnar layout, and report "fields" can access not only 
Hypercard fields, but also global variables, permitting to carry out quite 
complex printing tasks without resorting to external tools.
Filippo Galimberti

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