Script Improvement Advice

Paul Charlesworth pcharles at
Thu Jun 5 04:32:03 EDT 2003

Dear All:

I am working on my first ever programming project, a simple periodic 
table, and have created the interface using colored buttons. At the 
bottom of the screen I have an area with elemental properties. This is 
basically a Tab area (for future options) and a series of fields for 
each property.

What I would like to know is the most elegant beginners way to script 
the placement of properties into each field on pressing an element 
button. At this point I am adding the following script to each button:

on mouseup
   put "Hydrogen" into field "ElementNameField"
   put "1" into field "AtomicNumberField"
   put "1.008" into field "AtomicMassField"
   put "37" into field "AtomicRadiusField"
   put "N/A" into field "IonicRadiusField"
   put "1" into field "OxidationStatesField"
   put "gas" into field "StateField"
   put "8.9E-5" into field "DensityField"
   put "-259" into field "MeltingPointField"
   put "-253" into field "BoilingPointField"
   put "0.12" into field "HeatFusionField"
   put "0.90" into field "HeatVapField"
   put "14.90" into field "SpecificHeatField"
   put "0.002" into field "ThermalCondField"
   put "13.60" into field "IonizationEnergyField"
   put "0.75" into field "ElectronAffinityField"
   put "2.2" into field "ElectronegativityField"
   put "1400" into field "AbundanceField"
end mouseup

It works great, but I hoping to learn if there was a better way that 
might improve speed or save file size. My next questions will probably 
be about icons, about boxes, building, and distribution.

Many thanks,


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