Another dumb table question

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Jun 3 00:51:01 EDT 2003

--- Graham Samuel <livfoss at> wrote:
> I guess this is obvious, but how do I know when the
> user tabs (or 
> returns or arrow-keys) to another cell in a table? I
> started testing 
> this by trying to intercept the 'tabKey' message in
> the table's 
> script, but it apparently wasn't sent. I thought it
> would be, because 
> of this in the TD:
> "Handle the tabKey message when you want to perform
> an action (such 
> as going to the next card) when the user presses the
> Tab key.
> Comments:
> The message is sent to the active (focused) control,
> or to the 
> current card if no control is focused. "
> Am I missing something? When I do finally understand
> that the user 
> has left one cell and proceeded to another, how can
> I retrieve the 
> contents of the cell that the user has just left (on
> the assumption 
> that it's changed)?
> Dumb but not yet defeated.
> Graham
> -- 

Hi Graham,

Sniffing around in the revTable frontScript taught me
that the table-field will not receive arrowKey and
tabKey messages as it handles those directly.
However, you can trap the rawKeyDown in your field
script to find out how the user changed the cell
selection :


local sLastSelectedCell

on rawKeyDown pWhichKey
  send "CheckCellChange" to me in 20 milliseconds
  pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

on CheckCellChange
  put the cREVTable["currentxcell"] of me & comma & \
      the cREVTable["currentycell"] of me into tCell
  if tCell is not sLastSelectedCell then
    -- the selection changed
    put tCell into sLastSelectedCell
    CellSelectionChanged tCell
  end if
end CheckCellChange

on CellSelectionChanged pNewCell
  -- react to the change in cell selection
end CellSelectionChanged


Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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