I don't want "read from socket" to be blocking

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Thu Jul 31 22:35:00 EDT 2003

>I use read socket to access a pop3 server (email) I need to repeat 
>certain commands several times. How can I make them non-blocking 
>while still repeating them?

Add a callBackMessage, Björnke,

Rev Dictionary:

If you specify a callbackMessage, the message is sent to the object 
whose script contains the read from socket command, as soon as the 
read is finished. This message has two parameters: the socketID and 
the data received from the socket.

If you don't specify a callbackMessage, the handler pauses until the 
read has been completed, or until the time set in the 
socketTimeoutInterval property has passed.

Here is an example from Jan Schenkel's libSTAMP.rev:

-- HANDLER    : libSTAMP_sendConnectionID
-- PARAMETERS : pSocket = the socket of the target service point
-- PURPOSE    : send the local connection ID and awaits the remote 
connection ID

on libSTAMP_sendConnectionID pSocket
   add 1 to sNumOfRemoteServicePoints
   write ("100" && "MY-CONNECTION-ID=" & sNumOfRemoteServicePoints & 
return) to socket pSocket
   put sNumOfRemoteServicePoints into sRemoteServicePoints[pSocket,"LOCAL"]
   read from socket pSocket for 1 line with message "libSTAMP_readConnectionID"
end libSTAMP_sendConnectionID

-- HANDLER    : libSTAMP_readConnectionID
-- PARAMETERS : pSocket = the socket of the target service point
-- PURPOSE    : read the remote connection ID and start the 
connection check loop
on libSTAMP_readConnectionID pSocket, pData
end libSTAMP_readConnectionID


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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