The Hasp dongle -- war stories?

Joel Rees joel at
Tue Jul 29 03:31:00 EDT 2003

I have a customer with a Hypercard app protected by a MacHasp dongle,
that supposedly wants to be ported to MSW. If anyone has experience with
the Hasp dongles and Revolution, I would sure appreciate a wave of the
hand and any appropriate heads-ups.

The specific question I'm worried about right now is whether the Hasp
requires system extensions. I haven't seen any, but I haven't had a
chance to look inside the stacks very deeply. (XCFNs?)

Would also appreciates comments on other copy-protection dongles anyone
might be using with metacard, of course.

Thanks in advance ...

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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