perl regex modifiers

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Jul 26 15:02:01 EDT 2003

> Ken, other than being smaller (no external), and having extensive 
> documentation, what are other advantages of your xmllib over the new 
> revXML* functions included in Rev 2.x?

You can customize the way XML is handled to suit special cases (like
MTML ;-), and many people have told me it is easier to understand and
use than the revXML functions. It also used to be that this was the only
XML library MetaCard users could use (unless they also happened to have
Revolution), but that point is moot now.

Keep in mind, though, that revXML is an external, and is therefore
faster than a Transcript-only solution; it also supports SOAP, DTDs,
etc. and is better at reading large quantities of "records" from a
"database" XML document. 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

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