Rev 2.02/New pricing

curry curry at
Fri Jul 18 04:44:01 EDT 2003

Geoff Canyon wrote (to various people):

>You have a point, but: show of hands -- who here has built an app for
>another platform without ever testing on that platform and had it just
>work? And who has had the exact opposite experience; serious
>platform-specific issues that required working on that platform to fix?

Also include: who has tried a stack on the other platform and had to 
change something before even getting to the stage of building an app?

I have. Most recently: last week.

>re: final compiles: it shouldn't matter, at least as far as the result.
>It should be byte-for-byte the same regardless of which platform you
>build on.

It would matter, obviously, or I wouldn't have mentioned it. (Hint: 
we were talking Studio + Express.)

>You can build for OS X on other platforms, just not for OS <=9.
>Obviously this issue is getting smaller as time passes.


These points people are making do need to be seriously considered. 
Remember, we're sold on Rev already! (Many of us are sold enough that 
I'm sure we could sell others.) We need a true discussion about these 


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