Rev 2.02/New pricing

David Vaughan dvk at
Fri Jul 18 01:39:47 EDT 2003

On Friday, Jul 18, 2003, at 15:09 Australia/Sydney, Geoff Canyon 
<gcanyon at> wrote:
> On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 10:03  AM, Jim Hurley wrote:
>> I would have thought however that Run Rev might like to have the 
>> *option* of including this message. I expect someday to release some 
>> very bad software.
> There _is_ an option: Studio or Enterprise ;-)

Geoff, you are doing a fine job as front man while people are away at 
the show :-) but your response to Jim's delightful witticism misses the 
point made more extensively by Chipp and several others.

Like any tool, Rev will have a population of bad programmers. They will 
not be buying Enterprise and are unlikely to buy Studio. Whatever the 
excellence of many Express buyers testing the RR waters, it remains a 
fact that RR's proud splash will also sit on many of the worst programs 
made with Rev; programs badly written and unsupported; the author is 
not earning their living from them. This is just plain bad publicity 
and you do not need it.

I can afford not to care about the splash because I will need S and 
might get Ent, but not Ex. My view is therefore somewhat dispassionate 
and I support those saying RR is making a bad call here.


PS: Before any free or prospective Ex buyers beat me up about those 
comments, I am just saying that is where the population of worse 
_programs_ is likely to arrive, not that better _programmers_ will 
avoid Ex. If that is too fine a distinction for you I will not respond 
to your flames. - dv

> regards,
> Geoff Canyon
> gcanyon at

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