Rev 2.02/New pricing

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Thu Jul 17 09:20:17 EDT 2003

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 05:27  AM, Kurt Kaufman wrote:

> Personally, I have to admit I found it a little odd to distribute a 
> limited edition of the Rev. IDE with detailed instructions on how to 
> circumvent those limitations, but I guess the idea was to use that 
> circumvention as a tutorial.

The problem with the 10 line limit in the Starter Kit is that it's both 
too big and too small.

It's too small in that anyone unfamiliar with Revolution thinks it's 
worthless. "You can't code anything more than 'Hello World' in ten 
lines or less," they say, and in any other development environment 
they're right. In some environments you can't even code "Hello World" 
in ten lines.

But it's also too large, in that anyone who knows what they're doing 
and are willing to put out the effort can get almost anything done in 
ten lines or less.

So the Starter Kit has the dual problem of not being as effective as it 
could be at bringing in new users, and also of hurting sales because 
people find they can do whatever they need with it.


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at

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