Dial via built in modem

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Tue Jul 8 16:47:01 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 07:11 AM, Ken Norris wrote:

> Does OSX have dial tones built in? I'm working on a set of mp3 files 
> for
> each dial tone, which should also work on Win systems.

Most phone-line capable modems can dial with DTMF tones, including 
internal modems.  Most also have a way that you can hear tones and the 
other end answering during dialing and connection.

Or do you mean the dial tone you hear when you take the phone off hook?

If you are calculating the tones to create the file, you might find 
this handy:

            1209 Hz   1336 Hz   1477 Hz   1633 Hz
697 Hz      1         2         3         A
770 Hz      4         5         6         B
852 Hz      7         8         9         C
941 Hz      *         0         #         D

Each button generates a sound consisting of two sine tones.

I think dial tone 350 Hz and 440 Hz which should beat at 90 Hz.  If you 
need ringing and busy, I can look that up.

I you want to dial, you can use the modem.  Most modems will respond to 
simple Hayes protocol.  If you just want to generate sound sound as in 
a Carmen Sandiago game, you can calculate or use the modem to help you 
generate the sounds.  You can probably find sound files online.

If you use the modem as a part of dial assistance, take care when you 
hang it up.

Dar Scott

   Dar Scott Consulting     Programming Services     dsc at swcp.com

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