Dialog box positions in Windows

Ron rbarber at yhb.att.ne.jp
Tue Jul 8 06:57:00 EDT 2003


The docs say:
"The position and appearance of the dialog box varies between platforms. On
Mac OS systems, the dialog box is centered on the screen; on Unix and
Windows systems, the dialog box is centered over the active window. "

In one of my Win apps, the main stack is a palette that stays open as others
wds come and go. This is located in the upper lefthand corner of the screen.
When a function located in this wd is called with an 'answer' or 'ask'
command, the dialog box, centered as it is over the active wd in the corner,
is often halfway off the screen.

Is there a better way to deal with this or to center the dialogs in the
screen? It would even be acceptable if the dialog set its upperleft to the
upperleft of the screen, but that is not happening either.


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