Launching a Cygwin/DOS program

Hans hansydelm at
Wed Jul 2 09:19:00 EDT 2003

Hi All,

Can anybody explain to me how to correctly invoke a DOS(Cygwin) program
under windows2k from revolution (1.1.1 or 2.0)?

The following command fails:

 launch "cygwin_program > logfile.txt"

However, when I put the cygwin_program into a DOS batch file it all works,

batch file :
  cygwin_program > %1
Revolution :
  launch "cygwin_program.bat logfile.txt"

If I use the open process command revolution hangs

open process "cygwin_program" for read
read from process "cygwin_program" until end
put it into field "logfile"
close process "cygwin_program"

Running the cygwin_program from a cygwin shell or from a DOS box works fine.
Cygwin1.dll is in the search path. Using Linux (RH8) I have no problems
whatsoever :-)

Any idea?


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