Another Script Editing Tip

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Jul 1 17:46:00 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at 03:23 PM, erik hansen wrote:

> this is the first instance of a handler name
> using chars other than numbers, letters,
> and "_" that i have seen. more wonders.

There are a handful of characters that will 'work'.

For a little while I used ? at the end of the names of functions that 
returned true or false.  However, Scott Raney has advised against using 
anything outside the set you mentioned because of potential future 
changes.  In addition, I was being inconsistent.  I have been 
suggesting that Revolution get a expression style 'if' that doesn't 
evaluate all arguments and even suggested the C notation involving ? 
and : to do it.  So I was suggesting a feature that would break my code.

I now put "Is" after the library name (if any) and before the rest of 
the name to indicate a function that returns true or false.  Example:  

Dar Scott

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