basic optionbutton help

sschofield sschofield at
Thu Jan 23 10:52:02 EST 2003

This is obviously so easy to do I am missing the point. I've got 2 radio
buttons, Male and Female (would like them Sex(0) and Sex(1) but couldn't
work that out either). Now what?

I've gone to the manual, put in the 
     group button "Male" and button "Female"                }as per manual
     set the radioBehavior of last group to true            }as per manual
     put false into button "Male"                           }unsuccessful
attempt to set it back to false
     put false into button "Female"                         }ditto

But nothing seems to happen. 

I then have a line on mousedown in button Male
on mousedown
  if "New Button 1" is true then
    put "you is female" into field "MyMessage"
    put false into button "Female"
    put "you is male" into field "MyMessage"
    put false into button "Male"
  end if
This put a message in the first time, but doesn't blank out the other
end mousedown

But nothing seems to happen. My colleague and I have spent the whole
afternoon on this. Any help appreciated. I'm told revolution is intuitive,
so I guess we're right out of tuit here!

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