FTP progress bar

Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com
Sat Jan 11 15:23:00 EST 2003


I tried your script suggestion. With some modification, I got it to
partially work. I have been referring to the LibUrl documention on the
RunRev site, but I am still having problems. The script below APPEARS to
send a file, and says successful, but the file is always only 58k in size
and is considered corrupt by apps that try to open it. The size "should be"
at least 1 meg. Is something wrong with the syntax here?

Is urlCallback and showStatus redundant, or do they sometimes provide
different information?

Kind Regards,
Roger Eller
roger.e.eller at sealedair.com

on mouseUp
  put "ftp://tUser:tPass@my.server.com/test_file.tif" into tUrl
  put field "theLocalPath"&"/"&(line 1 of fld "theFileList") into tData

  answer tData&cr&tUrl -- This shows my source & destination

  put EMPTY into fld "Log" of stack "geoFTP" -- clear the log

  put the long id of field "Log" of stack "geoFTP" into tField
  libUrlSetLogField tField
  libUrlSetStatusCallback "urlCallback", (the long id of stack "geoFTP")

  libURLSetFTPMode "passive" -- a shot in the dark... trying anything
  libUrlFtpUpload tData, tUrl
end mouseUp

on showStatus
  put "ftp://tUser:tPass@my.server.com/test_file.tif" into tUrl
  put urlStatus(tUrl) into tStatus
  put tStatus &cr after fld "Log" of stack "geoFTP" -- show what's
  if tStatus is not among the items of "uploaded,error,timeout" then
    send "showStatus" to me in 50 milliseconds
  end if
end showStatus

on urlCallback pUrl, pStatus
  put pStatus into field "Log" of stack "geoFTP" -- show what's happening
end urlCallback

This is the results that are returned.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode ().
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
221 successful

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