struggle to use lineoffset

DVGlasgow at DVGlasgow at
Mon Jan 6 06:19:09 EST 2003

In a message dated 5/1/03 1:29:22 AM, Jan Schenkel. writes:

<< In this case, wouldn't it be easier to keep track of
the linenumber you're checking, instead of using
lineoffset to go through the entire text every time?

on mouseup
  get  the selectedtext of me
  put char 1 to 3 of word 5 of it into tcat
  put 0 into j
  repeat for each line i in me
    add 1 to j
    if i contains tcat then select line j of me
  end repeat
end mouseup

Back to lineOffset now: if some lines are very much
alike one another, you may want to
  set the wholeMatches to true
before using lineOffset, to make sure you have the
correct line. >>

Thanks Jan!

Your script goes straight in the old note book.  I have always just accepted 
that the repeat for each structure didn't have a count built in - how obvious 
that you can script one.

And thanks for the tip on lineoffset.  I discovered I needed  set the 
hilitedline of me to empty just before the loop, or the line first clicked 
was the only one in the category that was unhilited.

The other  interesting thing is the script *appears* to work, but actually 
doesn't!  The hilites disappear (apart from the original) as soon as the 
scrollbar is moved.  it also doesn't reliably hilite all instances if the 
field is sorted by any chunk other than the one containing the category.  I 
have switched the toggle hilites property a couple of times, but it doesn't 
fix it.

Richard Gaskin's method produces stable noncontiguous hilites (Thanks once 
again), but of course it only works the firt time through.  I hadn't 
considered how I was going to unhilite the lines second and third time 
through.  Maybe this shouldn't be a mouseup thing, doublemouseup would leave 
mouseup to select a single line and  clear the multiple 
selections.........hmmmm.  And so it goes....

If anyone else has chipped in, I have only read the above so far, so TIA of 
the usual multiple replies.

Best wishes,

David Glasgow
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