Shrink Image quickly

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Jan 6 03:54:00 EST 2003

It's not the "send" that's the problem. I ran your code inside a tight
repeat loop and got the same results, both with the alwaysBuffer on and off
for both the image and the stack. I'll bet it has something to do with the
fact that for each pass at shrinking, the image needs to be redefined to be
displayed, which means going through each pixel in the image determining
what to do with it. I don't know how to make this any faster; perhaps
Scott/Kevin can provide some suggestions?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sannyasin Sivakatirswami" <katir at>
To: <use-revolution at>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:08 AM
Subject: Shrink Image quickly

> In theory the following script should shrink an image 280 pixels wide
> in under 1 second... but it takes forever... 3-4 seconds.  Even setting
> the "send in' down to 1 millisecond doesn't speed it up up... a
> threshold is reached at about 20 ticks where setting it any lower does
> not speed up the event at all...  Goal is: shrink and image while is is
> moving along a path, smoothly, quickly.
> local imageRect
> on mouseup
>    put the rect of image "shrinkTest" into imageRect
>    put imageRect
>    Shrinking
> end mouseup
> on Shrinking
>    put the width of img "shrinkTest" into x
>    if x = 20 then
>      restoreSize
>      exit Shrinking
>    end if
>    put the height of image "shrinkTest" into y
>    set the width of image "shrinkTest" to  (x - 1)
>    set the height of image "shrinkTest" to  (y - 1)
>    send "Shrinking" to me in 1  milliseconds
> end Shrinking
> on restoreSize
> set the rect of image "Shrink Test" to imageRect
> end restoreSize
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