Applications to make us proud

manuel companys mcompanys at
Sat Jan 4 09:38:00 EST 2003

Le Friday, 3 Jan 2003, à 15:19 US/Central, Heather Williams a écrit :

> heather at

Dear Heather,

I have 2 small applications that might interest you although they are 
in ß state:

LITTERIS; converts any number entered in arabic or roman digits into 
orthographic words  or roman digits vith several options concerning the 
names of currencies, decimals, etc. A dozen different languages can be 
chosen for the output and six for the interface.

POLYLEXIS: is a nine language multiple lexicon, displaying a chart with 
the nine matching entries; theese can be selected either by typing in 
any of the 9 languages or by clicking on one of two scrolling flds, the 
language of which can be changed at any time*. The lexica (separate 
vocabularies, expl: computers, electronics, banking, home 
appliances...) and their contents are user modifyable by adding, 
suppressing or chqnging. In the current version the interfqce is still 
only french but this is not really annoying in this type of progrqm.

Also available:

REFERENCES; is a program for making, maintening and managing 
bibliographies with provision for making abstrqcts, storing criticisms, 
etc. This (formerly HyperCard) program comes with a Manual in french.

[References will be updated: multilingual interfqce,  and improved with 
in and output  facilities: eMail, scanning and printing. ]

I've been away from home for near 3 months, but I just arrived at my 
son's place in Houston, where I can use his computer facilities; and, 
since I have the three stacks with me, I possibly could mail them for 
you during this week end.

Manuel Companys**
mcompanys at

until January 26:
c/o Louis Companys
3515 Yupon St
Houston Tx 77006 US
  home adress:
4 rue Paul Langevin
F-94120 Fontenay sous Bois

* The entries are sorted according to each language's rules, I found a 
work around; R-R 1.1  would give me only ASCII sort.

** I am the R-R developer, but my son paid it for me last year. See the 
separate mail dealing with my renewal.

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