two msgs in a lock field

Yves Coppé yvescoppe at
Fri Jan 3 12:23:00 EST 2003


I have a scroll list filed with lockText to true
Working on Mac OS X and 9

when the user click a line, the handler execute something
when the user hold the mousestilldown another handler is executed.

That's the script :

on mouseUp
   put the value of the clickLine into tVal
   answer "You click "&quote&tVal&quote&"."
end mouseUp

on mousestilldown
   popup btn "mypop"
end mousestilldown

Now how can I prevent the mouseUp handler to be executed if the 
mousestilldown is sent.

Therefore i used something else

on mouseDown theBtn
    if the btn is "1" then
    else if theBtn is "3" then
        popup btn "mypop"
    end if
end mouseDown

but I like, on a Mac, to prevent the user using the "ctrl" key 
because the is no right-click on a Mac's mouse.

thank you for your help.


Email : yvescoppe at

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