Pre-Beta for 2.0 for Mac OS

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Feb 3 18:27:17 EST 2003

> > if you are looking for the classical stable
> > scripting product - its
> > here: called MC!
> could there be an advantage to developing an app
> in RR then running it in MC?

Two that I can think of - one is that you may be able to develop faster in
Rev because of all the help that the IDE gives you (vs. MC where a bunch of
stuff needs to be done with your own tool or through the message box); the
other is that you may be able to take advantage of bug fixes in the engine
which haven't made their way into Rev yet. For example, suppose MC releases
2.5 at the same time as Rev 2.0. If MC finds and squashes some bugs in 2.5.1
and it takes a couple of months for RR to upgrade to the new engine, you can
take advantage of the fixes in MC early.

That said, you also can run into serious problems going from Rev to MC as
well... if you're using add ons (like the XML external, database externals,
etc.) or taking advantage of the main Rev scripting library calls (like
revGoURL), you won't be able to utilize them in MC.

Just my $0.02,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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