Scrolling thumbnail gallery

Monte Goulding monte at
Mon Dec 22 16:40:34 EST 2003

> Hi,
> I'm trying out Revolution, to see how it stacks up against RealBasic,
> and I'm having trouble understanding whether it's possible to create a
> scrolling thumbnail gallery.

> I'd like to select a folder, read all the jpegs into images (creating
> thumbnails along the way), and place them in a group so they're all
> scrollable (4 across, by n down).

Check out
> Secondly, I'd like to be able to create an alternate thumbnail view,
> one which scrolls vertically, where each image has two editable fields
> (title and description) to the right of it.
> As the number of images is indeterminate, I need to be able to create,
> and place, dozens or even hundreds of images and edit fields in a group
> on the fly.  I've looked at all the example stacks I could find, but
> none seem to be about creating or manipulating groups.
> Finally, I'd then like to be able to use drag and drop so the user can
> reorder the images.  I've tried doing drag and drop with an image
> that's in a group, as I'd like the user to be able to drop an image
> between two other images in order to place the image.  Unfortunately
> the drop event doesn't get triggered in the group script when the drop
> happens in the space between two images, only when you drop on a group
> image.

I'd use a button with no border as a spacer between the images with a script

on dragEnter
  set the acceptDrop to true
  set the backgroundColor of me to red
end dragEnter

on dragDrop
  -- do whatever
  set the backgroundColor of me to ""
end dragDrop

on dragLeave
  set the acceptDrop to false
  set the backgroundColor of me to ""
end dragLeave



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