table format in Rev 2

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Apr 7 14:57:01 EDT 2003

>Hi Yves,
>   + setProp handlers to set the data of the entire
>table or of a single cell
>   + getProp handlers for the reverse

Hi Jan,

I don't need your scripts for selecting lines in a table.
I want my flds have editable text
So I'd like the following :

on returninfield
the cursor is placed before the text of the next line of the target fld
If I reach the last line, then return will place the cursor before 
the text of the first line

on tabkey
the cursor is place before the text of the same line on the next fld.
If I reach the last fld, then the tab will place the cursor before 
the text of the same line of the first fld.

Can you write a script for something like that ???

Thank you.


Email : yvescoppe at

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