Button vs. Message box scripts;

Jim Hurley jhurley at infostations.com
Tue Apr 1 08:14:01 EST 2003

>Message: 13
>Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 14:24:39 -0800
>To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
>From: "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <jeanne at runrev.com>
>Subject: Re: Button vs. Message box scripts; P.S. Invert matrices?
>Reply-To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
>At 6:54 AM -0800 3/28/03, Jim Hurley wrote:
>>On mouseUp
>>revrotatepoly graphic "MyPoly", 90
>>end mouseUp
>>return an error: "Chunk source is not a container."
>The problem here is that revRotatePoly needs an expression that evaluates
>to a graphic reference, not a graphic reference itself. (This is for
>complicated reasons having to do with the fact that revRotatePoly is a
>Transcript library routine.) This will work:
>   revRotatePoly the long ID of graphic "MyPoly",90


Following  your instructions I went into the RR toy box of back 
scripts to find the code for revRotatePoly. There are some strange 
things there.  I do not understand "revPoints" at all. It seems to be 
a whole new kind of source for value. But ignorance is bliss and, 
using your suggestion about using the long ID I came up with the 
following version of revRotatePoly which seems to work in buttons.

on mouseUp
   revRotatePoly2  "myGraphic",45
end mouseUp

on revRotatePoly2 pGraphic, pAngle
   lock screen -- Add this line
   put the long ID of graphic pGraphic into pGraphic --Add this line
   --put the topLeft of pGraphic into tTopLeft # Delete this line
   put revPoints(pGraphic) into tPoints
   put the loc of pGraphic into tLoc
   pr tLoc
   put sin(pAngle * (pi / 180)) into tSinAngle
   put cos(pAngle * (pi / 180)) into tCosAngle
   put (number of items of tPoints) div 2 into tNumItems
   repeat with i = 1 to tNumItems
     put (item (i + (i - 1)) of tPoints) into tCurrentH -- + item 1 of 
the center
     put (item (i + i) of tPoints) into tCurrentV -- + item 2 of the center

     --Use "round" instead of trunc in the lines below

     put round((tCosAngle * tCurrentH) - (tSinAngle * tCurrentV)) into tTempH
     put round((tSinAngle * tCurrentH) + (tCosAngle * tCurrentV)) into tTempV
     put tTempH + (item 1 of tPoints) into tCurrentH
     put tTempV + (item 2 of tPoints) into tCurrentV
     put tCurrentH,tCurrentV & comma after tFinalPoints
   end repeat
   delete last char of tFinalPoints
   set the points of pGraphic to tFinalPoints
   -- set the topLeft of  pGraphic to tTopLeft  # Delete this line
   set the loc of pGraphic to tLoc -- Add this line
   unlock screen --Add this line
end revRotatePoly2

I found  that resetting the graphic loc at the end did less violence 
to  the position of the graphic after rotation but this may be a 
matter of  preference.

Also, using round rather than trunc maintains the shape of the 
graphic a little better. Doing 8 rotations of 45 degrees with trunc 
does alter the shape.


Jim Hurley

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