Paths to Mounted Volumes on OSX

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Sep 16 14:48:01 EDT 2002


how to determine a single path to a file on a mounted volume that will 
work on both MAc OS9 and MAC OSX, where the absolute path to the 
mounted volume on OSX starts with "/Volumes" but does not start with 
that on OS 9? i.e. avoid have to treat OS9 and OSX as different 
platforms (not see as such by Rev or MC)

On Monday, September 16, 2002, at 06:32  AM, Scott Raney wrote:

>> that's my problem I won't know... where ever editor/user "whoever" 
>> puts
>> them. I may or may not give him a standalone... or just give him a 
>> copy
>> of the engine as a player with no other components and a copy of the
>> stack... (making sure I have at least a save and quit option in the
>> stack)
> Then how can you know they'll have a "Books" Volume at all?

That volume is on a server in another room. I use an apple script that 
automatically mounts that volume on their desktop with they boot the 
app. i.e. I know for sure it will be mounted as

/Books/lws/index.txt                    ## on OS 9
/Volumes/Books/lws/index.txt           ## on OS X

I don't see how any single relative path could point to the same file 
from both Macs, regardless  of the location of rev/mc.exe and my app.

>> of course I can get the effective filename of the stack , then I guess
>> the mounted volume will be the some number of levels "up" in OS 9 or
>> OSX   I'll have to play with that but I suspect I'll still hit problem
>> of /Volumes/ not being existent on OS 9.X . i.e. some kind of
>> "platform" test will be required even....
> You might also consider putting stuff in the user's "Documents" folder
> and using specialFolderPath() to find that.

not an option... too collaborative. I have to stick to one root file on 
a server with frequent back ups. if we let editors copy files to their 
hard drives and work on them, it becomes chaos, Three editors working 
copy, one works index and resource materials, another is working art 
and image placement... all remotely, We need a single document on a 
server and if it is in use, then hands off by everyone else.

Great Scott! (smile! hope i am not taking too much of your time... I am 
copying this to the Rev forum in case others want to chime in, hard to 
believe I am the only one using Rev to access files on remote volumes 
on a LAN...)

I may have to throw in the towel on this one and test for the "Mac 
Platform"  --  hope not...but if forced to,  presumably a simple test 
to find a unix file at root which certainly will not exist on OS9 
should suffice, then, if OSX prefix all paths to fiiles on remote 
volumes with "/Volumes/" by script.

>   Regards,
>     Scott
Himalayan Academy Publications

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
katir at,,,

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