Distributing Rev Stacks (was The age of user-translatable applications...

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Fri Sep 13 10:56:01 EDT 2002

Good Morning All,

Thanks to every who has contributed to my education in the 
intricacies of cross-platform distribution.

Being a stubborn foole (read that "an Aries"), and assuming 
developers downloading from my website will be less fearful of 
self-expanding archives found there than strangers would be of a 
self-expanding attachment, the next update of the Serendipity 
Downloader will bundle files in a .exe for Windows (as it does now) 
and a .sea.bin for Mac OS.  I don't know how to create a 
self-extracting archive for Unix, so the Unix bundle will be a .tar.

Baring browser download problems, individual files will be available 
for download in gzip format.

I am adding new menuItems, "Compress a File" & "Expand a File" to SDB 
Utilities' File menu; thus once developers have downloaded the 
Library bundle, they have the tools to decompress the individual 

So while RunRev's built in gzip compression/decompression requires 
handler scripting before it can be used, the next update of 
Serendipity Library (Monday?) will compress/decompress individual 
files out-of-the-box.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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