Distributing Rev Stacks (was The age of user-translatable applications...

Troy Rollins troy at rpsystems.net
Thu Sep 12 21:18:00 EDT 2002

On Thursday, September 12, 2002, at 10:04  PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Frankly, I'm surprised Stuffit has had all these problems! Back a 
> million
> years ago when I used Macs, Alladin was considered to have robust 
> software.
> If what you say is true, it seems like you might consider zipping files 
> for
> Mac as well (though don't know if you can 'zip' resource forks)

No, no. This has been WAY WAY WAY overstated. On the Mac, .sit files are 
just as ubiquitous, friendly, and standardized as .zip on the PC - if 
not more so.

RPSystems, LTD

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