questions re button behavior

Troy Rollins troy at
Tue Oct 22 10:05:01 EDT 2002

On 10/22/02 10:51 AM, "Simon Forster" <simon-lists at> wrote:

>> That said, your little tip on the popup problem pointed me in the
>> right direction and inspired me to develop a little trick which allows
>> any object that can receive a mouseDown message to serve as a popup
>> menu button.  This uses single, invisible "rovingPopup" button, a bit
>> of script and a tiny modal stack which allows the contents of the menu
>> list to be modified dynamically by the user.
> Ooh. Can I beg a copy off you? It sounds like something I'm looking for.

Yes, this sounds like another item that should make its way to the user
contribution page (or feel free to email it to each and every one of us...

RPSystems, Ltd.

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