PopUp Menus

Jim MacConnell jmac at consensustech.com
Tue Nov 19 17:46:01 EST 2002

Hi all,

> But how is it possible to select the item "A2" ?
I'm not sure what you really want to do.

If you have a menu like
Item 1
Item 2
    Item 2.1
    Item 2.2
        Item 2.2.1
        Item 2.2.2
Item 3

such that the button looks basically like this when you select Item 2.2

Item 1
Item 2 >    Item 2.2 >  Item 2.2.1
Item 3                  Item 2.2.2

If you release the mouse while over Item 2.2 nothing happens because you
haven't actually selected a menu item.

If you move over Item 2.2.1 and release the mouse button then the result of
the menuPick is:
Item 2|Item 2.2|Item 2.2.1

If you want to track these separately, parse the result into different
variables and use them. An example of doing this would be:

put "Item 2|Item 2.2|Item 2.2.1" into menuSelection
replace "|" with "," in menuSelection
put item 2 of menuSelection
----->  "Item 2.2"

Hope this helps...

A learning newbie,

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