Subject: Re: How to have a hierarchical menu popup ?

Pierre-Marie CARETTE carette.pierre-marie at
Thu Nov 14 17:27:00 EST 2002

Not THE solution, but my solution

global menuchoisi

on mouseenter
   get the propMenu of the target           -- the menu can change
   set text of btn "Menu" of group "Menubar" to it  ----btn invisible , 
group backgroundbehavior true
end mouseenter

on mousedown
   put word 2 of the clickline into nl
   popup btn "menu" of group "menubar"
   get menuChoisi
   put empty into menuChoisi
   if it is not empty then send it &","&nl to the target   -- nl is 
added as last parameter
   exit to top  -- to block another popmenu down from card....
end mousedown

script in btn "menu" :

on menupick x           -- x = choixA|choixAA|choixAAA|………
   if x is empty then exit to top
   replace "|" with comma in x
   get offset(comma,x)
   if it is not empty then put space into char it of x   --to delete the 
first comma
   put x into menuChoisi  -- menuchoisi = choixA 
end menupick

I use a global variable "menuchoisi" but you can use a property : the 
menuchoisi of this stack
Question : what solution is the best ? i don't know...
it works..
my philosophy : i prefer a pop-menu WHERE i must make a choice (on a 
field, on a button) , i dislike the menubar : my mouse doesn't climb up 
and down all day long

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