complex text manipulation

yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Nov 11 02:37:01 EST 2002


I have a text fld named "src".
the locktext is false

in a script I'd like to do

1) find a line with a text
put lineOffset("myString",fld "src") into tLine
if tLine <> "0" then
set the textStyle of line tLine of fld "src" to "link"
end if

2) now I'd like to click on this line to show a picture in another 
stack as modal

so the script of the fld should be something like :

on mouseDown
if the textStyle of the clickLine is "link" then
    if the value of the clickLine is "my last holliday" then
       go to cd x of stack "anotherStack" as modal
    end if
end if
end mouseDown

Now, the fld "src" must have his locktext turned to false

Is it possible ?


Email : yvescoppe at

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