ODBC Drivers for Fm Pro 5.5 II?

Peter Reid preid at reidit.co.uk
Wed May 22 19:09:01 EDT 2002

>You can use FileMaker Pro web companion to  exchange  data between FMP
>and Rev either on the local network or on the internet.
>Normally, all you have to do  (after  setting up web companion) is to send
>  put "http://folderInPath/folderWithResponseFile/FMPro" into theURL
>  post 
>  put urlDecode(it)
>Response file contains tags (FMP files)  you want to receive in
>following  format
>First Name:  [FMP-field:Students::First Name] -- for related field
>Last Name:  [FMP-field: Last Name] -- for "normal" field.
>Refer to FMP "CDML Reference.fp5" database for more details. Use LINK
>forms of CDML syntax.
>You  can  do all kind  of things with this... update, delete, add
>records, find records etc

Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm not sure how to apply your advice 
above!  I'm trying to test this under the following circumstances on 
my small LAN:

- Win XP Pro PIII-700 laptop (IP address
- running FM Pro 5.5 with Web sharing enabled
- simple db file called "job.fp5" with two fields: "JobCode" and "JobDesc"
- db layouts "Fullinfo" and "Table"
- response file: "C:\fmformat.html"
- fmformat.html content:

    JobCode: [FMP-field: JobCode]
    JobDesc: [FMP-field: JobDesc]

- Mac OS X (10.1.4) G4/733 running Rev 1.1.1
- able to connect to server FM Pro using IE 5.1 with URL of
- tried following handler:

   on GetWeb
     put "" into theURL
     post "-db=Job.fp5&-lay=Table&-format=fmformat.html&-findAll" to URL theURL
     put urlDecode(it)
   end GetWeb

All I get back in the message box is an HTML formatted error message that says:

   window.errObj = { code: 400, reason: 0, cause: "//FMPro HTTP/1.1" }


   err400: "Bad Request\r\rThe server could not process your request 
due to a syntax error."

It seems to locate the response file OK, but not understand its content??

Any ideas please?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
E-mail: preid at reidit.co.uk
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

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