Delay in accepting "the next mouseClick"

Sarah sarahr at
Tue May 14 01:07:01 EDT 2002

I have come across this problem and found that it is caused by the 
double-click speed set in the System Prefs (or control panel). If you 
click the button again inside the double-click time limit, it is a 
double-click not a real mouse click.

Your options are to code a mouseDoubleUp handler &/or to make the 
double-click speed as fast as you can.


On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 02:41  pm, Barry Levine wrote:

> In both a development version and a Distribution version of a small app 
> I made, clicking on a button requires one to wait almost one second 
> before the next mouseClick on that button will be recognized. I only 
> have a few lines of code in the button's script:
> on mouseup
>   if the mark of this card is true then
>     if field theMark contains "true" then
>       -- do nothing
>     else
>       put "true" after field theMark
>     end if
>   end if
>   go to the next card
> end mouseup
> I'm running OSX (10.1.4) and Rev 1.1.1. The delay seems to be -after- 
> the handler is done (when I'm already at the "next card"). I've even 
> tried "renicing" Rev to give it more of the system's attention. Any 
> ideas?
> Thanks,
> Barry
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